Lady Falcons: All-Girls Hockey Program

Important Notice: USA Hockey To Require Neck Laceration Protection Starting August 1st. More Details

Starting My Daughter in Ice Hockey

The Lady Falcons is an All Girls program that is an integrated part of the overall Chesterfield Hockey Association, with full access to the resources of the association. From our introductory programs such as Learn to Skate, Learn to Play, and Continue to Play through our beginner to advanced All-Girls Team program offerings, we offer multiple options for female players of all ages and skill levels who wish to play on an All-Girls team.

Parent Testimonials

Reach out to us to discuss how to get your daughter started today!

Where to Begin

* If you have a son, the same steps below will apply to them as well.

STEP #1: Learn to Skate

Before our Lady Falcons can play, they need to learn to fly! Begin with Learn to Skate classes at the Maryville University Hockey Center (or any other facility).

More Information

STEP #2: Learn to Play

Next, after learning the fundamentals of ice skating, they are then ready to play! Sign them up for our Learn to Play program!

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In order to join the Learn to Play program, they will also need a full set of hockey equipment.

Don’t have Equipment? No worries! Through our partnership with the St. Louis Blues, your daughter can acquire all of the necessary equipment they need to get started; which you also get to keep!

Reach out to us to learn more!

STEP #3: Joining a Team

After Learn to Play, she should be ready to join a team. The specific details will depend on their age and current ability. Please reach out and let's have a 1-1 conversation about next steps for your daughter in her hockey adventure!

The History of Women’s Ice Hockey

Most people are surprised to learn that women’s ice hockey has a history that dates back more than 120 years, beginning with the earliest known film image of women involved in a game of ice hockey — featuring Isobel Preston, daughter of Lord Stanley Preston (of Stanley Cup lore), playing hockey on a flooded lawn in the winter of 1890. There is little doubt that women played the sport well before the first newspaper account of a game between two unnamed women’s teams appeared in the Ottawa Citizen on Feb. 11, 1891. After much research, that game, which was played in Ottawa, Ontario, is now regarded as the start of women’s ice hockey. Over the span of more than a century, girls and women have pursued their interest in the sport, and today that segment continues to be one of the fastest-growing in USA Hockey. A look back at the history of the women’s game reveals an amazing evolution, with the best yet to come for females involved in the sport.

Benefits of Playing Girls Hockey

Social Benefits

  • Relationships with other girls: Hockey players develop powerful relationships and often lasting friendships with their teammates.
  • Teamwork: On a hockey team, girls learn about cooperation, camaraderie, and friendship. A hockey team is a natural environment in which to learn about ones responsibility to others.
  • Relationships with adults: Hockey gives girls an opportunity to spend ongoing periods of time with an adult in a shared endeavor.
  • Participating in a community: Hockey fosters a sense of community and pride. Playing for a community gives girls a chance to build their sense of identity.

Personal Benefits

  • Valuing preparation: Hockey helps girls learn to prepare their mind and bodies for games and practices.
  • Resilience: Hockey provides an unparalleled model for dealing with challenge and disappointment.
  • Attitude control: Girls learn that a having a confident attitude improves their performance, and that they have significant control over their attitude.
  • Leadership opportunities: Team hockey offers girls a rare opportunity to serve others as leaders.
  • Identity and balance: Being part of a group is inordinately important to girls, and hockey makes girls feel like they belong.
  • Time management: Young athletes learn to manage their time productively balancing hockey practices, games fitness, school and other life responsibilities.
  • Long-term thinking: Hockey players and other athletes often learn the fundamental lesson of sacrificing immediate gratification for long-term gain. This is the basis for personal success as well as for life in general, and perhaps in one's life, no lesson can be more valuable.

Physical Benefits

  • Fitness: Girls who play hockey develop general physical fitness by playing a game that’s fun.
  • Stress relief: Hockey allows girls to clear their minds of academic and social pressures, to literally skate off tension that’s accumulated in their muscles.
  • Mastery: Hockey gives girls a satisfying, enjoyable way to develop their talents and skills.
  • Healthy habits: Hockey increases an awareness of how physical and mental effort needs to be supported by proper eating and hydration habits.
  • Reduces body fat: Playing hockey is a fun and effective way of burning off calories.
  • Cardiovascular system: The sustained energy and muscular strength required in hockey helps develop fitness and endurance.
  • Muscle strength: Playing hockey is a great way of developing your body’s leg muscles, including the hamstring, hips and calves. It also improves the endurance of shoulder muscles, triceps and forearms.
  • Coordination skills: Hockey relies on good coordination between the eyes and the hands and improves the reflexes and reaction times of its players.
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