Code of Conduct


Participation in CHA is subject to all members obeying the Code of Conduct Rules set forth for all Players, Parents and Coaches...

Chesterfield Hockey Association is a not-for-profit 501(c)(3) organization. This organization is a private club governed by nine Directors (herein, The Board). As a private club, your affiliation is subject to adhering to the Code of Conduct Rules which the Board has set out for all parents, coaches and players. You should be familiar with the Code of Conduct rules for players, parents or coaches. Failure to adhere to these rules will, at the discretion of the Board, result in the scheduling of a mandatory disciplinary hearing in front of the Board. Rulings made at this hearing, failure to appear at a hearing and/or a repeat offense may result in you and/or your child being removed from participating in this club. 

ZERO TOLERANCE: Any player, parent or coach who conducts themselves in a manner found to be detrimental to the welfare of this club may be removed from participating in this club temporarily or permanently.

While our Code of Conduct is very specific in its terms, the principals that we govern by in our program are as follows:


Please download and print the following code of conduct forms. Both the player AND parent are to sign their own form; and then upload them to the website. You can either scan the forms on a document scanner OR take photos of the forms with your phone and upload the photos. Either method will work.

Download the Codes of Conduct Below

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